Below is a list of local genealogy societies and their information.
Halifax Genealogical Society:
Ormond Beach Library Auditorium 2nd Thursday at 1:30 p.m.
Website |
Roots & Branches Genealogical Society of West Volusia County:
DeLand Public Library 1st floor auditorium on the 3rd Sunday at 2:00 p.m.
Website |
Volusia County Genealogical Society:
City Island Library Daytona Beach on the 2nd
Tuesday at 5 p.m.
Website |
Genealogical Society of Southeast Volusia County:
New Smyrna Beach Regional Library on the 2nd Sunday at 2 p.m.
Website |
St. Augustine Genealogical Sociey:
Southeast Branch of the St. Johns Public Library, 3rd Saturday at 1 p.m.
Website |
Amelia Island Genealogical Society (AIGS)
Fernandina Beach Public Library 3rd Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Website |
Brevard Genealogical Society:
Catherine Schweinsberg Rood Central Library Cocoa, FL 2
nd Monday at 9:30 a.m.
Website |
Central Florida Genealogical Society:
Central Branch of the Seminole County Library at 215 North Oxford Road, Casselberry, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. on the 3rd Monday of every month.
Website |
Facebook (Private)
Florida State Genealogical Society:
FSGS Webinars are held on the third Thursdays of each month at 8:00 p.m. EST and are normally one hour long.
17 Jun 2021 – Jill Morelli, CG
Finding Treasures in Academic Libraries
- Webinar Abstract: You may think that academic libraries will not hold genealogical information for you. You are in for a surprise! We will review holdings in three academic institutions, -- their general collections, special collections and archives. Topical research will be covered. Discover how to find the right institution, how to use their catalog, how to prepare for your visit and once there, how to research most efficiently. Even if your ancestor was not a student, or on faculty or staff, records pertaining to your ancestor may be there.
- Presenter: Jill Morelli, CG, loves to share her passion for genealogy with others as a writer, lecturer and researcher. She specializes in the US Midwest, Scandinavia and northern Germany and lectures nationally on topics inspired by her own research and methodology. As a writer, her articles have appeared in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly, Swedish American Genealogist, Illinois State Genealogical Society Quarterly and many others. In 2017, she founded the online Certification Discussion Group (, sharing her journey and that of others to build and submit a successful portfolio to the Board for Certification of Genealogists. Jill is past president of the Seattle Genealogical Society, program director of the Puget Sound-Association for Professional Genealogists and a member of many local genealogical societies.
- Website:
- FaceBook:
- Webinar Registration:
15 Jul 2021 – Alice Hoyt Veen, CG
Citizen Soldiers: Militia to National Guard
- Webinar Abstract: From colonial militias to 21st century National Guard, America’s citizen soldiers have answered the call to serve and defend their communities and the nation. Discover and understand your ancestor’s militia and Guard experience. Federal, state, and local records help document your citizen soldier.
- Presenter: Alice Hoyt Veen is a Board-certified genealogist, professional researcher, and genealogical educator. She believes family history success lies in truly understanding the records our ancestors created. Her presentations reflect this philosophy through real case-study examples and hands-on practice. Alice serves as a trustee of the BCG Education Fund, a charitable trust advancing the educational aims of the Board for Certification of GenealogistsÒ. She has spoken at national, regional, and state conferences, and for numerous Iowa organizations.
- Website:
- Email:
- Webinar Registration:
19 Aug 2021 – Debra S. Mieszala, CG
US Passport Applications